Saturday, August 26, 2006


Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...


My summer is an endless series of doing laps. A bit tedious and repetitive. Creating an environment where other people can explore their potential, rest, and recharge, at the expense of my own. The old workday catch-22: gotta work to support what you want to do, except you can't do much of that cause all the best of your time and enegy gets used up. And the wheel turns.

Me, griping. Humor me.

Other than that, I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Postscript: just to prove that I can say something good, I'll let you all know that chinese medicine has worked it's usual miracle and I'm feeling decent (if a bit gloomy) and back on track. So that's good.

See, I am capable of gratitude.