Saturday, July 15, 2006


The day has been spent working outside, mowing, roadwork, etc. Hot, humid, dealing with old fashioned heavy metal equipment, and now I'm a tired puppy. Clouds are rolling in, sure to thunder in a while.

Did some art yesterday, will photo and post later. I shot video a couple of days ago to work up for todays blogpost, just looked at it with the intent to edit, and it was awful, so that falls by the wayside. And not much time to do anything this afternoon as we are having someone up for dinner, so I need to get cooking in a bit. Just need me a few minutes of downtime, feet up, maybe doze, and some iced coffee and i'll be good to go.

I'm reading Yoko Ono's biography these days (Yoko Ono: YES) and it's very good. A smart, strong woman, underestimated and undervalued for her contribution to art and the exploration of human creative potential. She was quite the thinker too, I'm pleased to find out. Getting lots of pithy words, phrases and ideas to ponder over time. I offer up this quote for today as it rattled me pretty good, and seems to apply to how I've been thinking/feeling, and maybe others will find it helpful or inspiring too:

" Position is a way of changing life- not by changing life itself, but by changing how you view it."- Yoko Ono

Something to think about while working gravel in the hot sun...

Have a great day!