Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tues post-tree report.

I was gonna blog the big cut and repair, but decided just to give highlights. Then a note of great importance.

The tree is completely off the shed, and all aerial work done. I fixed the roof, it's battered but serviceable, has kind of a rumpled character. The best news is that it doesn't look like I'll have to tear down and rebuild the chimney; when I got the load off of it, it pulled back into place (more or less) thanks to the steel re-enforcing (that was my first big welding job a few years ago, so i'm tickled it held!) It's got a bit of a twist from the torque of the hit, but overall looks sound. A few minor patches to some broken brick here and there, and we'll be good to go.

I figure theres 2-3 years of firewood to be had from the fallen tree. It's just a matter of time and energy to saw, split and stack.

So, not so bad. Of course I'm sore as all get out from the climbing, roping, sawing and manhandling of pieces. But that build character, right?

It's really raining hard and cold now, snow following. Ugliest winter in years.

I want to leave everyone with these thoughts: The people in your life that love you the best will put up with your worst and give you reason to be a better person. They won't fix you, but they'll tell you the truth, and they'll shine a light into your darkness so you can stumble around and find your way. They'll remind you to be responsible for yourself and your actions.
They don't let you get away with any BS. And when you get yourself together, they'll be the first ones to celebrate with you. It's not easy on these people to do this for us; in fact they probably have the worst end of the deal. But they do it anyway because they care. These people can be friends, family, parents, lovers, spouses; I don't think it's limited or dictated to any one relationship. But I do know this: all of us should find these people in our lives, and tell them we know what they do for us, and we are grateful. And we should do it right now: turn, call, write, email, fax, put it on a billboard in an obvious place, just do it. They deserve nothing less than what they give.

I'm off to make sure someone knows I'm grateful. Have a wonderful evening, be safe and warm.