Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Small details

I see by the calendar it's Tuesday, and realize I haven't posted since..Saturday??? Wow.

I have these streaks of time when the daily details of the parts of my life and living that I'd share here seem pretty repetitive, rountine, mundane. You know how it is, work, weather, some little thing that happend...for those of us that make stuff some in-process notes. I mean, kinda dry reading you know? Not like Billy Collins poetry, or the News From Lake Woebegone, or even This American Life (which I've recently become pretty interested in having heard Ira Glass's interview a week or so ago on the occasion of their tenth year show. I'm slow to catch on.) So I skip a day here and there.

Just in case anyones keeping score, I made pots this weekend, the first step towards the installation i mentioned earlier. And I did some work on the documentary, tested some microphones and a little recording widget. I wrote a bit (if you can call it that, just notes for how to make this doc) studied a lot, ate a little. The weather has been warm almost like spring, so there's been more walks than usual, this to make up and assuming we wil pay the piper later. Then there's day job, life maintenance stuff, etc.

See, mundane. Routine. Not so interesting, eh?

Life: there's more to it than meets the eye. Thank goodness!

Have a great evening!