Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Morning

Merry day, y'all!

A typical small ponderings celebration day, pretty low key. K's mother came yesterday and is spending the holiday with us, we had our hurricane refugee up yesterday afternoon and evening, we made dinner and watched movies until late. One of the big highlights of yesterday was the passing thru of a bluebird flock. About 20 bluebirds descended and were fluttering around the boxes, tweeting in the bare dogwood trees and basically bringing us some unexpected aviary Christmas cheer. Very odd, at this time of year to see them, and almost never in a flock. We'll chalk it up to being a minor Christmas miracle.

Today, we got up, had coffee. We don't do presents much and no decorating. Ok, only a bit, I'll have to post a pic to give everyone a laugh. K, her mom, and I each got one gift. Mine I have to say was the best: what do artist spouses give their artist spouse for Christmas? Art of course! And K found me a treausre, a hysterica welded l sculpture about 3 feet tall. Think a junkyard style big bird, and you get the idea. I love it! Cheap art, and funny. My girl knows me (also knowing it would inspire me to get out my welding stuff and get back to metal work!) Pics at 11...

So this afternoon I'll spend doing annual maintenance and recovery of MIL's iMac. This a holiday tradition. And some eating, hopefully some blogging and emailing to friends. A celebration just the way we like it. Eggnog or a rum and coke might be involved.

Hope everyone is having a great day, and surrouned by warmth and love. I treasure the friends I've made through this silly little window, and look forward to sharing the year ahead with you all.

HO HO HO and away we go!