Monday, June 04, 2007

Random broadcast

Seems like forever since I posted. Which it has been a guess, a day in internet time is like 7 dog years.

Lots of pondering, some making, more than enough day-job work. Tending to spend more time outside and less in front of the screen. Handwriting and illustrating letters. Slowing down, doing less. Changing directions, or more accurately, meandering and less inclined to worry about accomplishing this and moving on to that.

Pictures and topics galore, projects in germination, poems to be written or not, treasure maps to follow. Also, laundry, mowing, working on the van. Life.

From dinner the other night (me): "I'm more interested in ideas, concepts and experiences than I am objects- I want to live, make and accumulate stories, not stuff..."

Hummingbirds at the feeder, Lucy ready for a walk, the workday awaits. It rained this weekend (finally) and the world out the door is lush and green.

Let's go see what's out there...

More later, sometime.