Monday, February 12, 2007

No, I haven't sailed off the edge of the map...

My workdays have changed, the load a bit heavier, the hill a bit steeper, so by the time I sit down for the evening I'm pretty much fried, stick a fork in me I'm done. But never fear, I have posts to posts and words to read and write, and will carve out some time out to do so in a very little bit.

Of course, I guess I could use the audio posting, I mean that's what it's for, but I do enjoy the linearity of writing sometimes (is that a word or did I make it up?) and why I think my writing is any more linear than my speaking is beyond me...

Clearly, tired. More later is definitely a good idea.

In the meantime, I encourage you to meander on over to the folks in my sidebar links; they all have been putting up some REALLY good stuff lately. Here at Small Ponderings we recognize fine work and aspire to doing some ourselves, very soon.