Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sunday a.m. web

riding the surf:

This is GOOD

I'm late posting this. But the message is worth repeating.

Useful if you're stuck.

Good question, great answer: "You moved the pot before the coffee stopped brewing. Do you smell the mountains or the burro?" "One smells everything if one chooses to and it is all good, burnt bean & burro." (from The Faux Press)

inspired by this: (enter and click on nonduality)

this and this for funnies (the comics and the blogs are a hoot. stumbled onto them via a link on this great blog)

And finally, my artist of the week. Good reading, thoughtful guy.

Now I'm going down to listen to NPR and make stuff. (do you think all I do is sit around and websurf all day???) Pictures at 11, maybe.

Hope everyone has a great day!