Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sometimes I just can't think of a catchy title...

This may come as a surprise to you all, but I am a deeply divided and conflicted individual.

Not that you’d know it if you ran into me on the street, cause I appear mellow and mostly stoic and low key. But on the inside, things are bright white, inky black, and separated by more shades of gray than the combined fleets of the U.S. Navy, which is quite a lot let me tell you. Combine that with fire and ice, and an IMS (internal messaging system) that is hardwired to broadcast 24/7 a litany of deficiencies and self-expectations and there you go. Divided and conflicted.

Whoo boy…

I fouled something up really good at work yesterday. Much gnashing of teeth, rending of garments, and pulling of hair. Mine. I never foul anything up, I’m that good, or so I think. So when I do, the internal volume goes WAYYYY up. This morning is clean up, repair, fix. All will be well. One of my favorite sayings to the people that work for me is “good people never make mistakes, great ones make them, fix them, learn and move on”. I am a great motivator. Of course, I do not apply this outlook to myself, cause you know I think I might have a little double standard going on.

But fortunately, I realized something in the midst of fitful and interrupted cat-biting-toe sleep:

1.Shit happens
2.Self deprecation is self destruction by degrees.
3.Maintaining a sense of a much larger universe than my little bumps might be a healthy thing.

“people are flawed individuals, the cosmic bakers took us out of the oven a little too early..”

Yup. Maybe I’ll allow myself that. I do it for most everyone else, and the double standard thing? Exhausting.

So, it’s gonna be a good day. I’m gonna clean up this little mess then see what else I can get into. And as of today, I declare this blog a “Self-Bashing Free Zone”. Which you are more than welcome to join in on.

“Fruitcakes in the kitchen
Fruitcakes on the street
Struttin naked through the crosswalk
In the middle of the week
Half-baked cookies in the oven
Half-baked people on the bus
Theres a little bit of fruitcake left in everyone of us”

Yes, indeedy. Cookies anyone?

Have a great day!