Tuesday, May 02, 2006


So I do know what day it is, which is no small feat. Work is crazy, and I can't remember if I mentioned on top of it I was to appear for jury duty on Monday (which I did, and thankfully, was deemed not qualified to serve on a jury of my peers...) Add to that a sleepless night, and a day feeling like leftover death fueled by coffee, and here we are, tired and getting on towards sundown and anticipation of some sleep. But I haven't blogged for almost 2 days and am feeling a bit of withdrawl.

That being said, what to write about? Tired minds don't make for great lit, no that I aspire to it, but come on, a little entertaining at least isn't too much to hope for. So, I have next to nothing. Except for one thing: Lilac.

On the way home, down on the hard top, I pass a Lilac bush every day. Today it was in full bloom. Driving by this afternoon with the windows down, I was flooded with Lilac...oh man it was so sweet! Like the essence of Lilac personified. I never had smelled such a thing. So of course I did what any good driver on a mountain road would do: I stopped in dead in the middle of the road, sat there, and enjoyed the scent. Tres wonderful!

So that's what I have tonight for you guys: an image of Lilac scent. Not a bad way to end the day.

Hope everyone has a good evening. Pretty soon I hope to have more, better and longer material.

Oh yeah, if you haven't done it yet, check out this link from Dr. Omed's Tent Show Revival! Funny cause it's TRUE!