Sunday, April 09, 2006


I've believe I"m losing all track of time. The mundane details of daily routine, work and life maintenance are cresting, all other attention and energy is going towards making these "things" that I am driven to do. It's exciting and exhausting, and I when I sat to write about it here this week, my mind is whirling so fast that I can't grab the words as they fly by. All around and inside of me is this vibrant sense of growth, and for the past few days I am more prone to motion than stillness.

This was my morning. Images in my mind of eggs opening, cocoons bursting, unexpected surprises in hidden spaces. Signs, markers, cryptic messages and little glimpses of things at the edges- everything is pointing to something. I don't know what else to do but follow it and see where it goes. Some folks would say it's just Spring, but it's more than that, because I'm feeling pulled or pushed, not sure which, but definitely in motion.

And it feels good, like waking up. It's been a long time coming.

Have a great day!