Thursday, February 02, 2006

Stuck (unstuck?)

I think some nights I'm just not meant to have a coherent entry.

For the last hour I've written and deleted endless graphs on my perception of the relative demeanor of the Universe. Some personal revelations and some observations of what is happening with other folks lately have put the theme in the front of my mind.

It's pretty hard to make sense of the world when you see awful things happening to good people, and great fortune bestowed on the undeserving. On the first glance, life doesn't seem very fair. But when I mull it over, I get the feeling that life is neither fair nor unfair on the whole; it just has moments of each, good and bad, and that stuff is what makes up a whole life.

Tonight I don't think the Universe is either benevolent or malevolent. I believe the Universe doesn't care, it just moves, seeking it's own balance and swinging back and forth between opposites, sometimes more dramatically than others. The challenge for each of us is to find our balance amidst all that change. It's hard to have faith that good things will come when you're mired in the middle of the bad and life is so painful or difficult that you can't hardly breathe. And it's easy to forget (or ignore) that bumpy times will come sooner or later when you're on top of the world.

I think all we can do is try to keep from falling too much, help each other up when we do, accept what cards the Universe deals us in a hand, and make the best choices we can at the time to stay in the game. Our culture seems to be one of speed and immediacy, but the Universe operates over the cosmic long haul. So maybe we take a lesson from that, and work for a positive balance over the time we are given to live our lives.

If you're on the low end of the curve tonight, I encourage you to be strong and know the tide will change. And if you're lucky enough to be on the high side, then lend some support and encouragement to someone in need. Maybe if we help each other out, the Universe will be a little friendlier on the whole for everyone.

So I guess this is the entry, coherent or not. I wish everyone a good evening.