Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday Night Extravaganza

I am a one man variety show tonight; I 've done it all (ok, not all but a lot, and maybe not well, but still...)

Home from work. Walk. Took some pics. Back, went down and worked on clay (this an anomaly on a weeknight), simultaneously making a process vid of said work. Done with clay, up to Small Ponderings World Headquarters and the creative la-bor-a-tory. Fueled by tea and toast, no time for supper! Cobbled together video, and edited it (after a fashion). Now, blogging. And suddenly for some reason, running out of gas. But wait, there's email to answer! My dear mom (news from down on the farm) and the fellow that is my mentor of sorts, who came for dinner Sat night, ate, looked at my recent clay work, and today wrote to me. Very funny, I might post excerpts. I'm not quite sure what it says about my clay talent, but there you go.

Ok, for example a snippet: " ... Or make artistic use of that tree that fell over out by the kiln. (Maybe the tree’s near miss was just that--a miss and if it had demolished that kiln you would be on your way by now..." This comment in the context of him suggesting that I use other media and material to realize whatever artistic vision I'm currently working towards.

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose....

Have a great evening. I have uploads to deal with.