Sunday, October 23, 2005

Sunday night

Winding down a beautiful and somewhat productive weekend. Got a lot of studio work done, here's a shot of a ware cart full of work. I think I have enough now to begin glazing and load and fire the kiln. It'll be good to have some work to show.

Spent a decent amount of time outdoors soaking up the last of the Indian Summer. It's getting cold is moving in, maybe a little snow flurry tomorrow or tues. It's that time of year.

Projects this week on tap: a sound piece, start on new video work, and there's a couple of small 2d things I want to do and send out to some friends. I have a mix media piece in mind (glass, text, and wood elements) but don't know if I'll start on it in the evenings or not.

I also have a little book review I want to do and post here. But unlike my normal entries, I want to give it a little thought so i represent it well. Or maybe not... I like writing off the top of my head so who knows.

I wish I had something brilliant, funny, or interesting to say, but my mind is pretty much in neutral (moreso than usual) so I'm gonna go flop in bed and read a junk food novel for a while before sleeping instead of taking up space here.

Hope everyone has a great week! Stay tuned for more ponderings...Ciao for now.