Friday, October 21, 2005

Art Patronage

Ha! betcha thought I was gonna drag out the old soapbox and start pontificating didn't ya? Well, I am, soon, but not tonight.
Tonight I'm just gonna say: support your local (or remote) small time hard working artists. Writers, poets, painters, fiber, clay, metal, books and papers...whatever. Just do it. I'll give you a ton of reasons why later. Or maybe here's some now:

Anyways: let me suggest some places for you to start: Sam at Feral (she's building a bookstore for goodness sake! BY HERSELF... a writer, opening a bookstore- can there BE a more worthy cause???), Dan Price at Moonlight Chronicles (order a few back issues and buy the new book, you won't regret it and my upcoming review will make some sense then), and finally Meg at Blogcabin cause a sentence buried in one of her earlier posts got this idea to fermenting in my mind.

I had a great quote somewhere from long ago talking about "for the price of a pizza you can support an artist..." but i can't find it now.

ps- none of the above folks know I'm putting up this post, AND I should get credit for not including myself in the starting list though goodness knows I need it (i'm mostly unsellable and definitely non-commerical...this not a business plan, but then making art isn't a business...)

Ok- go share some $$$ love with your favorite artist. Have a great weekend!