Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Thursday Buffet

Welcome to a morning edition of small ponderings!

I love the mornings (usually). It's the only time of the day when my head isn't cluttered or racing with all the junk a person is impacted with on a regular basis. I have something akin to a flystrip mind- everything that floats by gets hung up in it. Good, bad, important, trivial, it doesn't matter; my mind is an equal opportunity collector, much like a lint trap. But if I'm lucky i will have had a decent nights sleep, and wake with a little quiet space. Then the trick is to maintain that. Which I usually fail at dismally.

Today awaits a veritable cornucopia of activities, most important the Spliitting of the Wood. Since I have a day job and time is precious, I break down and rent a splitter from the local equipment shed. I set to the task of splitting the whole winters worth of wood in one day. Doable, but not if I sit at the keyboard all day. I can (and have) split many years' worth of wood with an axe, I actually enjoy that and find it gratifying. I like doing things where effort has a direct relationship on results. But I give in to the time constraints, and thus the splitter. Stacking and tarping will happen later in the week.

I can take a long walk this morning, meandering by Lucy's agenda. I love not being on a timer. Then to work on the woodpile. After that, maybe some additional blog renovation. Then if there is time and energy I can work on my interview with Cap'n Rich Long, since I'm going over to see him tomorrw. (If I can get a taped interview of him it will be a hoot!). Since I'm not working, I'll have time to cook something decent for dinner. And finally, I hope to whip my studio into shape and start making clay stuff for a sale I'm committed to in early Dec. (footnote: for me, these things tend to be more a show than sale; for some reason my stuff always ends up being not so highly demanded in the functional clay marketplace, but whatcha gonna do?)

As you can see, a day beginning and brimming with intent. Realization? That's another story...

Have a great day!