Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Good instead of Evil

Warning: this is going to qualify as a rant...

We watched the news last night, not a normal occurence, but wanted to see how the folks on the Gulf were fairing. Of course, awful, and it is terribly depressing. And led to a sleepless night.

Those people, those towns and cities, all of them need help desperately and NOW. Am I the only one that thinks King George and company have failed dismally in responding quickly and concisely? It's not time for words or platitudes or promises. It's time to act.

I'll state right now that I have no respect for King George, his cronies and all their peripheral support systems. He has facilitated more damage to this country and the world than can be repaired in a hundred years. He should be impeached and stripped of office on the charge of total incompetence alone, never mind all the lying and stealing and corruption that exists at all levels of his government. The man and the administration have no morals, ethics or compassion. And he will never rise above the mire, because the unholy trinity of government, business and mass media are all looking out for each other.

But I digress. Back to the Gulf Coast: That situation is unfathomable. The scale and depth of destruction and suffering is so huge that all the agencies involved have to be overwhelmed. This is not a local problem- it is regional and national. This is my question: why doesn't the federal government mobilize the military (all branches) and get them down there on the scene to HELP??? The military has the resources, manpower, training and equipment to effect positive change in those areas in a rapid manner. Lest you doubt: the military can provide expert direction and assistance in areas like field hospitals, sanitation, desalinazation and fresh water production, power generation and distribution, damage control and construction, food services, transportation, providing temporary and semi-permanent shelter...the list goes on. And you'll note I didn't even mention security (which is a little touchy when it comes to the military) But I can't think of a better use of the US military than to HELP its own citizens in a time of disaster.

One of my favorite sayings is "use your resources". Well, there you go. Wouldn't that resource be better used for Good (help and assistance for recovery) than Evil (going overseas and blowing up yet another country in support of a small group of rich old evil white guys fueled by greed and power)? What better possible use of a rapid response military force than to save untold thousands from misery, instead of imposing it on them.?

But what do I know? I'm fairly certain that won't happen, just as I am certain that you will see all manner of big companies (especially oil and insurance) profit from this disaster. It's just plain wrong. And very sad.

I wish those people well, and we'll do what we can. Other than that, we can all pray for a miracle to happen. Our government, which should be serving and protecting us, cannot be counted on. Yes, we will have to take care of ourselves. And we can.