Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day with a Rogue Elf

You know who...

any resemblance is purely coincidental...

Merry Christmas everyone! A slow and quiet day here on the hill, very low key and enjoyable. I hope all you guys are equally as content out there doing your thing as I am mine.

Not much bloggable, I mean how much can you say about couches, snacks and movies, and coffee? Oh, never fear, I have a long and rambling pontification in the works, about happiness and gratitude and gratefulness etc (which for the record I am for the most part, I mean happy, grateful, and possessing feelings of gratitude). Plus, I'm in unusually good humor. Me, often accused of being somewhat Grinchy in the best of times, for the second year running, in a good mood during the holiday! And this year better than last; I attribute that to being at home base, my primary comfort zone.

And I watched my all time favorite Christmas movie, the Jim Carey Grinch. Oh, the stuff the Grinch builds in that- inventions and gadgets from junk and cast offs and reclaimed thrown away objects. He's a maker, that one.

I bid you all a happy evening, need to go rattle around in the kitchen, it's time for the pm feeding.