Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Yokel Goes to Town

(editors note: in the right kind of geeky mood, I'm a sucker for Wikipedia. Also, I am prone to getting lost in looking up words in an online dictionary... i must be in one of those moods tonight. I tried to link "Yokel" in the title but it didn' show up, but if you want to join the fun you can find it here)

Ok, one more "country mouse goes to the city" post and I'm done.

I've been places. Hawaii, Phillipines, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Korea, Mauritius (pretty flag!), Spain, France, Germany, all over the US. Lived in San Francisco (4 years, so short, I left my heart there!) and LA (one year, which was 12 months too long for my tastes), have spent time long and short in various places in the country (Chicago, New York, Washington DC as well as the southwest desert and a lot of other places) I like good stuff, never had the resources to actually own any of it, but have an appreciation for fine things. I know how to do a little bit. And I'm where I am now by choice, and love it. It's remote, quiet, uncrowded. Don't have much money, but enough to make the house payment and keep the wolves from the door most of the time. But sometimes I like to go see something else, do some stuff. Just for a change of pace. I don't get out much, need to more, which I am just coming to realize. Ideally, 2 or three short trips a year, say 5 days to a week would be just right. I love to travel, can do it fast and light on my own, and cheap too, because mostly I like to look, walk, see, eat, absorb.

I like experiences, exploring and being in a new and unfamiliar place. But that's a whole 'nuther post.


So over the mountain and down the valley and up to another mountain today for some different air. Besides photographing, I explored, hunted and gathered, without much regard to budget responsibility. I had a beer and a sandwich on a mostly deserted porch in hot fall sun, and I already told you about the coffee joint. Good beans there, I must say. So the only thing left is the summary of the gatherings, which almost no one will find impressive or even vaguely interesting, but it's what I have to offer tonight, except a weather report, which is that after all day of hot sun, the wind kicked up, clouds rolled in, it rained like hell, now stopped and wind blowing and temp dropping, snow flurries forecasted for up high. I love the speed at which weather changes here, always have. It keeps you on your toes.

Collected treasurse from the day:

Illy Coffee!
Fresh Sashimi tuna steaks!
Giant Greek Olives!
Goat Cheese!
A Sourdough Boule!
Toasted Green Tea!
Takeout Sushi!

Culinary excitement, I can't wait to eat tomorrow (except for the takeout sushi, which I had tonight, along with an ice cold yummy homemade martini, in a slightly wonky handblown glass. I make my own parties...) starting with the Illy in the morning, which in itself will probably prove bloggable.)

Hope everyone has had a good day, a pleasant evening, and tomorrow brings some fun. Me, I'm back to what passes as my normal, working on the woodpile, the tractor, a piece of artwork I'm putting in an auction this week, etc, etc...oh yeah, and eating up the days treasures.