Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I'm feeling better thanks to the magic of acupuncture, but so what and who cares, there's more important stuff afoot...

First this: (via Tod Seelie)

Now tell me that's not some of the coolest art in motion? And there are a nice set of updated entries on the adventure here. I think this whole enterprise is art and making and sharing and positive troublemaking and circusing on a shoestring at its best, with no intent except to leave the road behind a little better than you found it and give people a glimpse of a different way of seeing. Incredibly inspiring.

In other news, me and an unnamed co-conspirator (known to me, unknown to you) kicked off a project today involving the random seeding of small artworks throughout the land. Should anything take root, I'll be sure to let you know.

Finally, I decided not to bore my one-and-a-half readers with an extended discussion on Yellowjackets (the evil stinging bastards) but suffice it to say I have successfully eliminated the imminent threat of being attacked when stepping out on the deck.
You may want to bookmark this entry if you live anywhere in warm in the northern hemisphere. Apparently, they are trying to overtake the world, or at least the southern US.

(yeah, i know, an obsessive bit of information posting, but trust me, get stung by a bunch and your attention will be focused like a laser too...)

Ah, it's good to feel almost human again and able to post in a reasonably coherent manner.

Hope all are well, take care, and watch where you step.