Sunday, April 30, 2006

Slow Sunday Afternoon

What to do when you blog about daily living, when daily living isn't offering up anything that's bloggable, or at least so mundane as to facilitate a snorefest? There's plenty happening (good) and as always lots of questions (also good) but as far as having something to show or talk about, not so much.

The weather has regressed to late winter for the moment, I just realized this morning that the next 12 days will see me at the day job without a break and later hours. Added to that, I have to report for jury duty Monday, which means if I'm picked, the days will be spent there as a component of the justice system, and the evenings at work trying to keep the wheels from falling off that wagon. I fear this will leave little or no time to work on projects, blog, or read. Warning: all work and no play makes the Ponderer a little grumpy.

So, projects interrupted, potential fun postponed, and my little old erratic way of living subject to a lot of stuff outside of my control. Oh well, whatcha gonna do? Me, I think a nap is in order. But before I go, I'm fixated on that word "mundane" and it made me think of something, and I'll share it with you in order to make this entry worthwhile:

" Transforming the mundane into the atypical requires eloquent roughness, directness, and intrigue. There is value in tensioning the familiar with the unfamiliar, in reducing form to its essential elements, in pursuing an understated palette, and in creating a sense of incompleteness. Pottery as art is an insistent challenge that must skirt the opposed shoals of mere reassurance and fetishized ritual." (Warren Frederick)

I know Warren, and am certain he'd willingly agree that this position and statement would encompass much more than the art of Pottery, in fact, would include the making of things with any media. He actually has a book on the subject, "Transforming the Mundane" available here.

See? I did manage something productive and for that nap....

Have a great afternoon!