Thursday, October 13, 2005

Thurs night winding down

Finally in and sitting down after an evening and night of cleaning up near the house. We live up in the woods; with sun and rain, the woods kind of absorbs us. Spousal unit declared "enough". So now it looks like some actually lives up here. As a result I'm pooped and pretty much ready to call it a day.

Before I do, I want to point everyone to this link from which you can scroll down to Sept. 19 and listen to a wonderful interview with SARK on creativity and the creative life. I downloaded it and listen to it while driving to and from work today, and it was great, worth keeping around and listening to again. If you don't know about SARK then you should, and now you do. I first discovered her in the early 90's and have been a fan ever since. The piece about her first poster in the early part of the interview should be required listening for every working artist, or anyone that wants to be one.

That's it for me tonight. Take care and be kind to animals. Have a great Friday!