Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Mid week ramblings

A question that is a constant companion to me is "what is the deal with time?" As in what happens to it, where does it go and how do you make friends with it? I have no answers, I have little clarity. I'm fairly organized and at least average in efficiency of my processes, yet one day its Monday and the next thing you know it's Wed evening and where the heck did all those hours go, and what EXACTLY did I do with them? So yesterday I wrote everything down. And in review I have come to the conclusion that there must be some kind of metaphysical time vacuum. I suspect this diabolical piece of machinery affects people with children even more than me.

This is my excuse for inconsistent blogging. There are only so many hours in the day, one must make choices. Today, I chose to paint a little. I still don't have the time to get down into my clay studio and make stuff, and when I don't make anything, then I get the grumpies. So hopefully this well help. Here's two little postcard sized watercolors, inspired by last week's trip to the hurricane-y coast. I'm not sure they're done yet but maybe. I never like anything I make right after I do it so it's too early for me to say.

I need to work on my rusty html skills to figure out better photo layouts, but for now this is what I have. It's all about time you know...

Have a great evening. Be nice to people and wish hurricanes to fizzle out in the ocean.