Friday, September 02, 2005

Be diligent

He went overseas to destroy a country and a culture, fueled by greed and delusions of power. Now he is presiding over the destruction of hundreds of thousands of lives in his own country, driven by his ignorance, incompetence, and lack of compassion and social responsibility.

Do not trust this man, do not trust this government. Do not depend on them, none of them, from any party. Work in your own way, however you can, locally and nationally, to help the victims of the storm. Those people feel abandoned and ignored; we need to show them otherwise. Work towards recovery IN SPITE OF our government and ineffective leaders.

If you haven't done so already, click on the links below to donate. If you have, then click again when you can give more.

The American Red Cross
The Humane Society

In the meantime, keep alert at what else is going on in the world. Watch Iraq, watch civil rights and liberties, pay attention to the real economy on the ground in our country. Do not let the spinmasters divert our attention so the Rich White Guys can take advantage of the lack of attention. You can bet they will try. They will in fact succeed some of the time, but we need to be in their face at every turn. That we haven't been is how we got here.

We, all the regular people of the United States, are going to have to do this ourselves, and we can. We have no choice.

Be nice, and help where and when you can.